We are pleased to extend the deadline for registering for the April 22-23 workshop in Cocoa Beach to Tuesday, April 19.
For those who are not able to attend both Friday evening and Saturday, the workshop has been structured in two parts. Friday evening will focus on the life and background of John of the Cross while Saturday’s sessions will deal with the Night of Sense and the Night of Spirit in John’s teachings. Your registration will cover Friday or Saturday or both. Please indicate on the form which days you will be attending.
Nestor de Armas, our Contemplative Outreach of Central Florida coordinator sat down with workshop leader, Susan Komis and asked about John of the Cross and the workshop. You can view the four minute video below.
The Night of Sense, The Night of Spirit
Presented by Susan Komis
Sponsored by Contemplative Outreach of Central Florida
Church of Our Saviour
5301 N. Atlantic Ave
Cocoa Beach,Florida
April 22-23, 2016
Friday: Registration 6PM, Conference 6:30 to 8:30PM
Saturday: Doors open at 8AM, Conference 8:30AM to 4:30PM
Cost: $45 (includes lunch on Saturday)
When you register, please indicate if you are attending Friday night and Saturday or only Friday or only Saturday.
The Night of Sense Registration/Information Flyer Revised April 9
Dark Night of the Soul – Reading Suggestions
For more information go to the EVENTS page: https://cocfl.org/?risen_event=night-of-sense-retreat-with-susan-komis