It was just a wonderful day for us. Twenty two attendees enjoyed the day of silence with two centering prayer sits, lectio, silent reflection time on the video and sharing in small groups during lunch. We also saw part two of the video after the afternoon sit. We intend to show the tape to our C.P. groups so those who couldn’t attend the day can see Fr. Carl. Everyone loved the tape and want to see it again.
— Rosemary
Cocoa Beach
We had a beautiful day today. Our new pastor Father Fred Ruse welcomed us and gave a beautiful opening prayer. We had 11 in attendance from Our Saviours, Divine Mercy, and St Mary’s. Two attendees were new to the prayer. The spirit had much to reveal to us today so that the sharing was lively and encouraging. We ended our discussion period with our favorite Catholic jokes. We look forward to being together with our world community again on the third Saturday of March next year.
— Beth
New Smyrna
We were nine of us, three from St. Peter the Fisherman Church, three from Epiphany Church and three from Sacred Heart Church. From beginning to end the experience was (shall I dare say it) magnanimous. Each one is different…I can only speak for myself, but I felt that we bonded together nicely and each one I guess found the depth of being they were comfortable with. And the “surprises” that Fr. Arico talked about on the video were abundant, far exceeding what we hoped for. I continue to be and feel amazed and grateful to our loving God.
— Irene
The Villages
St. George had 15 people from our church, St. Timothy’s, and St. Patrick’s. We had centering sessions, lectio divina,quiet time for reflection, and saw Father Arico’s video. Rosemarie Kuchera from St. Timothy’s led a group discussion. We enjoyed lunch together. After lunch our attendees watched Father Keating’s video, “A Rising Tide of Silence”. (This was a request from our members and our friends at St. Timothy’s.)
— Lelia