If you are beginning to have “cabin fever” from staying home, remember the original 31 hours of Spiritual Journey videos by Fr Thomas Keating are available for free on YouTube by searching “Fr Thomas Keating’s spiritual journey” or by the exact title below and Keating’s name.
Here is a direct link to the first one in the series:
You can find the others by searching by the “title” with “Fr. Thomas Keating” as follows:
(a basic introduction to Centering Prayer)
• The Method of Centering Prayer (in 2 videos)
• The Psychological Experience of Centering Prayer (in 3 videos)
Part One: Developing Centering Prayer
(Centering Prayer grows out of a prayerful relationship with God that ideally includes prayerful reading of Scripture – the practice of Lectio Divina)
0a & 0b. Introduction
1a & 1b. Prayer as Relating to God
2a & 2b. Four Levels of Scriptural Experience
3a & 3b. Toward Resting in God
4a & 4b. Centering Prayer as Method
5a & 5b. Progress in Centering Prayer
Part Two: Model of the Human Condition
(the heart of the teaching on the practice of Centering Prayer)
6a & 6b. The Human Condition: The Evolutionary Model
7a & 7b. Formation of the Homemade Self: The Existential Model
8a & 8b. The Pre-Rational Energy Centers
9a & 9b. Frustrations Caused by the Emotional Programs
10a & 10b. Dismantling the Emotional Programs
11a & 11b. The False Self in Action
Part Three: Paradigms of the Spiritual Journey
(practical examples of Centering Prayer in daily life)
12a & 12b. The Four Consents
13a & 13b. The Human Condition: The Philosophical Model
14a & 14b. Anthony as a Paradigm of the Spiritual Journey
15a & 15b. Liberation from the False Self System
16a & 16b. Liberation from Cultural Conditioning
17a & 17b. Spirituality in Everyday Life
Part Four: Contemplation: The Divine Therapy
(the Christian contemplative roots for Centering Prayer)
18a & 18b. Night of Sense: The Biblical Desert
19a & 19b. Night of Spirit: Toward Transformation
20a & 20b. The Beatitudes: Healing the Emotional Programs
21a & 21b. The Spiritual Senses
22a & 22b. What Contemplation is Not
23a & 23b. From Contemplation to Action
Part Five: Divine Love: The Heart of the Christian Spiritual Journey
(the fruits of the Centering Prayer practice)
24a & 24b. The Most Excellent Path
25a & 25b. The Divine Banquet an Dance
26a & 26b. Prayer in Secret: Matthew 6:6
27a & 27b. What is the Divine Therapy?
28a & 28b. Contemplative Outreach: A Response to the Divine Invitation
Pam says:
September 17, 2022 at 9:23 amThank you, Andy for posting these priceless videos.