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Silent Week-End Retreat with Fr. Carl Arico

FrCarlAricoSilent Week-End Retreat
with Father Carl Arico

November 4-6, 2016

Canterbury Retreat Center
1601 Alafaya Trail, Oviedo, FL



Father Carl Arico:

Fr. Carl Arico is a founding member of Contemplative Outreach and is active on the Gift and Special Project committees.  He is honored to have known Fr. Keating since 1969 and was present for the first intensive Centering Prayer retreat that Fr. Keating offered at the Lama Foundation in San Cristobal, New Mexico in 1983, which many founding members of Contemplative Outreach attended.  Fr. Arico has been an integral part of the development of Contemplative Outreach from a wish to the organism it is today. “The growth that has taken place in Contemplative Outreach,” he observes, “is a miracle of God’s grace and the power of prayer.”  He has traveled extensively in the United States and internationally to present workshops and direct retreats.

He is the author of the book A Taste Of Silence, a guide to the fundamentals of Centering Prayer and is well known to the contemplative community for the Q&A with Fr. Carl Arico that we all enjoy reading in Contemplative Outreach e-bulletins.

An Invitation from Father Carl:

“The retreat is the fruit of a 10 day intensive retreat which I served in 2015. The scriptures of the Mass seemed to explode into deeper meaning than I had expected. The Spirit was speaking through me as I preached each homily. When the retreat was over, I became aware that the Holy Spirit had revealed marvelous pieces of a mosaic that revealed what, ‘Putting on the mind of Christ’ was all about in a contemporary setting. Since then I have pondered these passages, lived by them and watched them let me see with new eyes. It is my desire to share them in the embrace of a silent retreat with women and men who are open to consenting to God’s presence and action in their lives.”

This retreat is for anyone who is open to the gift of silence and Centering Prayer.

Retreat information:

Registration will be from 4:30 to 5:30 pm Friday, November 4.  Dinner at 6:00 pm.
The retreat concludes at 11:00 am Sunday.
Rooms are shared (two to a room) with private bath.
A few private rooms are available (on a first come first serve basis).

Total cost:  $235 for shared rooms, $290 for private rooms.
We are also offering a commuter rate of $120. These rates include all meals.

Scholarships are available in case of need. Please have your facilitator contact Nestor at (407) 415 7161.

Download/Print November Retreat Registration Form, Revised

Download/Print Planned Retreat Schedule

Take a look at beautiful Canterbury Retreat Center site:

23-Reflecting 20-Chapel 04-NestordeArmas 03-WelcomeByKathyKotas 14-FreeTime 17-Lunch12-LakeGem01-Dining&MeetingSpace

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