Our communications team prepares quarterly newsletters to keep our chapter informed of events and insights concerning Centering Prayer in Central Florida. We want to make newsletters more accessible for folks who do not have Internet. access.
– For the people that do not have access to printers or are not comfortable using the website, we can suggest they check with their church. When Centering Prayer is a ministry of the church, the church is often willing to print copies of documents relevant to the ministry.
– To facilitate printing, we are posting two pdf versions of each new newsletter on the website: One will allow printing on both sides of one page for leaflet format (requires 11X17 paper), and the other, the “sliced” pdf version, to be printed on regular size 8,5 X 11 paper, on page at a time.
– We will also add both options as attachment in Alice’s email.
– We will continue to print copies of the newsletter through a professional printer to hand out at COCFL events. These full color newsletters are printed on 100# gloss text paper. This paper specification makes a significant difference in the overall print quality of the newsletter.
– People can also go to their local Office Depot and have a copy of the newsletter printed for them by simply giving the COCFL website link.
Here is a link to our August COCFL Newsletter which includes both printing options.
August Newsletter Page