The Welcoming Prayer
February 5 and 6, 2016
(Starts Friday 6:30 PM, ends Saturday 3:30 PM)
St George Episcopal Church
1250 Paige Place, The Villages, FL 32159
Cost: $45.00
(Includes Friday night coffee and dessert and Saturday lunch)
“To Welcome and let go is one of the most radically loving, faith-filled gestures we can make in each moment of each day. It is an open-hearted embrace of all that is–in ourselves and in the world” — Mary Mrozowski
The Welcoming Prayer is an “on-the-go” practice for contemplatives. This prayer practice focuses on the 23 hours a day when we are not doing Centering Prayer and teaches us how to continue to let go in a more active manner. It is a method of consenting to God’s presence and action in our physical and emotional reactions to events and situations in daily life. This Prayer helps to dismantle the emotional programs of the false-self system and to heal the wounds of a lifetime by addressing them where they are stored – in the body. As such, it contributes to the process of transformation in Christ initiated in Centering Prayer.
This workshop will introduce us to the actual method of the Welcoming Prayer and provide opportunity for practice. It will include discussions on the human condition and the false-self as conceptual background of the Welcoming Prayer. If you are new to the Welcoming Prayer or have been a long time practitioner, you will enjoy our time together in silence as well as attending presentations about the Welcoming Prayer.
Mary Dwyer is a long-time student of Fr. Thomas Keating. In the early 1990s, she lived at Chrysalis House, a contemplative live-in community experiment blessed by Fr. Thomas. Her housemates included Mary Mrozowski, the creator and spiritual mother of the Welcoming Prayer practice. Mary Dwyer now lives in Miami with her husband Juan Llarena (Coordinator of Contemplative Outreach of Miami). She is a member of the National Contemplative Outreach Welcoming Prayer Committee and serves as Chairperson of the Contemplative Outreach governing board. After a career in banking and social work, she now devotes her time to giving retreats and workshops on behalf of Contemplative Outreach.
Download the Flyer/Registration Form below.
Download/Print Welcoming Prayer Flyer/Registration Form
Schedule: Workshop 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM on Friday and 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM on Saturday.
Cost: $45.00 to be paid upon registration prior to January 27, 2016.
Hotel accommodations: A discounted rate of $125.00 per room (breakfast included, add taxes) is available at the Holiday Inn Express, located across from church at 1205 Avenida Central N,The Villages.
Reservations should be made directly with the hotel before January 15, 2015, to ensure guests receive the discounted rate. Ask for CONTEMPLATIVE OUTREACH BLOCK to obtain negotiated rate.
Phone: 352-750-3888 Fax: 352-750-2779. E-mail: [email protected]