All Shall Be Well: 
A Day with Julian of Norwich
Patty Merlo, MPM
Saturday, Feb 9, 2019
8:30am – 3:30pm
Presented by
Contemplative Outreach of Central Florida
Hosted by St Patrick’s Church
6803 Old Hwy 441 South
Mt Dora, FL 32757
Please bring a bag lunch Suggested donation: $ 25
In 1372, Julian received sixteen revelations centered on the Passion of Jesus. These visions led her to a radical decision: to live her life as a hermit enclosed in a cell attached to a church in Norwich, England. Then during twenty years of prayer and reflection, God revealed the meaning of the sixteen revelations, and she came to see that they were intended not for her alone, but for all Christians. Today, as we face the pain and divisions of our own times, her insights can provide us with the strength, wisdom, comfort, and healing that we seek. During this reflective day, participants will explore Julian’s life and message by means of presentation, personal reflection, and conversation.
Patty Merlo, has a Master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry from Madonna College, trained as a hospital chaplain, and has completed the Internship in Spiritual Direction and Ignatian Spirituality at Manresa Jesuit Retreat Center. She has taught on the high school and college level, served as a DRE, and currently ministers as a spiritual director and retreat leader.
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