Whether you have already registered for the December 6-8 retreat, are thinking about it, or will not be attending, Maru invites you to e-mail her with your thoughts. [email protected] – Alice Logan
Dear friends and fellow pilgrims of The Way,
As we begin to journey toward our Advent gathering I thought it would be lovely if we keep one another in prayer. As holy pilgrims throughout the ages have done, we begin to prepare our hearts, to attune our thoughts, our spiritual eyes and ear, our bodies to the mystery of God becoming flesh, still!
Our challenging times provide for a rich array in the midst of chaos. God always sets a table before us even in the presence of “our enemies.” Whatever assaults us within and without: inner monsters that refuse to be tamed or transformed, outer circumstances that defy the values of the heart.
By whatever way we have come to this our contemplative path, God seems to magnetically draw us to become active participants in the cosmic dance. A dance that is taking place not just in what we may consider hallowed grounds, but discovering that everywhere we turn we are standing on holy ground.
Whether you are joining our retreat or not, I invite you to take a deep breath. To notice the radiance and warmth as the sunlight touches your skin. Or the starlight that twinkles above you. You are alive. You are here. For such a time as this you’ve been chosen to live. Breathe. Awaken, awaken! The Word is becoming flesh and dwelling among us… still.
“Earth’s crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God,
But only the ones who see take off their shoes*
The rest sit round and pluck blackberries”
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Sharing the journey,