Zoom Social Celebration of Fr. William Meninger’s Life

Event details

  • Saturday | March 13, 2021
  • 4:00 pm
  • https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81985218243?pwd=WGV2MWVhazdXTmIvdGh3akpSNUFDZz09 Meeting ID: 819 8521 8243 Passcode: 968642

Zoom Celebration of Fr. William Meninger’s Life
Saturday March 13, 4-5:30 p.m EST


Meeting ID: 819 8521 8243
Passcode: 968642

Here is a sample of Fr. William’s teaching recorded by the webmaster in Louisville, KY in 2014


Fr. William Meninger OCSO
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 Fr. William Meninger OCSO

Friends Along the Way,Fr. William’s Burial  Mass will be celebrated at Spencer Abbey, Monday,  February 22, 2021 at 2:30 pm EST. It is not open to the public nor is it being live streamed although it is being recorded. Check the Abbey’s website (www.spencerabbey.org ) and/or Fr. William’s YouTube channel for a possible later posting of the recording.

My In Memoriam includes two photographs I took of him at Spencer Abbey in 2019.

A  Zoom Social Celebration of Fr. William’s life (Join) will be held on Saturday, March 13, 2021, 4-5:30 pm EST. Come join us for an informal Zoom gathering with your favorite stories, questions, and memories of him.  Fr. William would encourage you to bring your favorite beverage as we fete a life well-lived.

Though bereaved ourselves, Fr. William will remain forever in our hearts and the living out of our lives.  He would have us rejoice in his New Life as he was very much aware of the Lord’s guiding hand preparing him for this transition.

Fr. William was a Proclaimer of God’s Love.  How fitting that he died on Valentine’s Day.

The Grace & Peace of Our Lord,

[email protected]

If desired, donations may be made on Fr. William’s behalf to:

Dom Vincent Rogers
St. Joseph’s Abbey
167 N. Spencer Road
Spencer, MA 01562
Re: Infirmary Fund
Abbott Charles Albanese
St. Benedict’s Monastery
1012 Monastery Road
Snowmass, CO 81654-9399


As one of the three principal architects of the Centering Prayer movement which included Fr. Thomas Keating and Fr. Basil Pennington, he was a global retreat master, author of over 15 books, and a much sought-after wisdom teacher, bringing a keen intellect, quick wit, and sense of  humor to all of his teachings.

At 88 years of age, Fr. William was limited physically the last three years of his life which prohibited travel except by Zoom.  In October 2018 he relocated to the mother house, St. Joseph’s Abbey, Spencer, Massachusetts (spencerabbey.org) from St. Benedict’s Monastery, Snowmass,  Colorado (snowmass.org) where he had lived,  worked, and prayed for over 40 years.

Fr. William and Fr. Thomas Keating died in the same room of Spencer Abbey.

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Passcode: 968642
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