Tampa Bay Zoom Mini-Retreat on the Life and Teaching of Teresa of Avila

Event details

Saturday 24 October from 8:30 to Noon (ET)
Your are invited to join us for a Zoom Mini-Retreat on the life and teaching of Teresa of Avila.
Objectives for the Retreat: To introduce St Teresa of Avila’s life and context, to reflect on passages from her spiritual masterpiece, The Interior Castle, and to experience Teresa’s passionate, bridal mysticism.
Why Teresa? According to James Finley, Teresa is a trustworthy spiritual guide because she is an excellent teacher of the contemplative path. Like us, Teresa lived during a tumultuous time in the world and within Christianity. Leaning into her experience can lead us to hope, healing, and oneness in this challenging time.
Pre-Registration is Required and the Deadline to register is October 14  This event is limited to 25 participants.
To Register please email Susan Holm at [email protected]
(Currently there is a Waiting List for this event.)
This Mini-Retreat is being offered as a Gift from fellow contemplatives Carol Harlow from Tampa (top left), Norene Delaney from Sarasota (top right), and Susan Holm from Venice (lower center).
We are very grateful for their creative energy and joy in offering this local initiative.
We are grateful to be in prayer with each of you.
With love,