Event details
- Saturday | November 2, 2019 to Monday | November 4, 2019
- 9:00 am
- Corpus Christi Episcopal Church 3430 County Road 470 Okahumpka, FL 34762
- 352-978-8180
Living in God
An adjunct Audire offering for Spiritual Formation
Please join us for a 6 month journey of reflection on the possibilities of your current time of life and where God is present. Participants will:
□ Experience a variety of spiritual practices
□ Explore an array of readings
□ Know the gifts of monthly listening circles and spiritual direction
Facilitators/Spiritual Directors: Beth Knight and Kathy Lieffort
Founder and Adjunct Facilitator: Maureen Kramlinger
Program Cost: Registration (non-refundable) fee: Program $450 (deposit $50)
Dates/Times: Opening retreat – Sat, November 2, 2019 9am to 4:00pm
Recurring Saturdays Dec 7, Jan 4, Feb 1, Mar 7 9 am to 4:00 pm
Closing retreat – Sat, April 4, 2020 9am to 4:00pm
Location: Corpus Christi Episcopal Church, Okahumpka, FL (between Clermont, Leesburg and The Villages)
Questions: Call Beth Knight, 352-978-8180
To Register: Please complete & submit registration form online at website link: (click below) https://audirespiritualdirection.org/personal–spiritual–deepening–program/
Mail registration fee ($50)to: Beth Knight, 2124 Cardigan Drive, Clermont, FL 34711
Please make checks made payable to AUDIRE.
Beth Knight, MAPC, Seeking the Spirit graduate (2005) Spiritual Direction in Anchorage, AK is passionate about accompanying others along the path of meaning making and mind-body-spirit well-being. Beth holds a master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling from Asbury Theological Seminary (2016), is a Commissioned Ecumenical Minister with Federation of Christian Ministries (FCM) and is a trained chaplain & member of ACPE. She serves the central Florida community as an associate of Central Florida Psychological Consultants, offering pastoral counseling and spiritual direction, facilitates Noetic Conscious Aging ® workshops, and leads annual contemplative retreats. Beth moved from Alaska to Florida in 2010, with her husband, to make their home near their daughter in Clermont, and now enjoys being a grandmother of two. She loves walking labyrinths and seeing God and life through the eyes of her Grandchildren.
Kathy Lieffort, M.S., Audire graduate since 2007, has enjoyed providing spiritual direction to many directees over the years in both private and small group settings. Kathy served on the Audire Advisory Board and currently acts as an Assistant in Year One and a Supervisor for Audire students. Kathy lives in Howey in the Hills, FL, with her husband, Jim. She has 2 children, 2 step children and 4 “perfect” grandchildren. Kathy has a 35 year career in healthcare. Kathy has an M.S. in Healthcare Administration, is certified as an Executive Coach and Myers Briggs training, has been a practitioner of Centering Prayer for many years, a follower and practitioner of Parker Palmer’s Courage and Renewal work (particularly the Clearness Committees), certified as a trainer for Time to Think and recently completed training in Shalem Institute’s Soul of Leadership program.
Maureen Kramlinger (Adjunct Facilitator) knows change: life in community, married with children, re-located to Florida, widowed — with life renewed after every loss. Graduate Biblical Studies, counselor and pastoral education and life over time led Maureen to engage in teaching, addiction counseling, adult faith formation, hospice chaplaincy and grief care. She prepared for a new life in retirement with Shalem formation programs for leading prayer of simple presence, retreats, facilitating spiritual deepening and spiritual guidance. Maureen is awed to be able to offer holy listening in spiritual direction and supervision and to facilitate programs for Audire. She is eager to begin Exploring the Grace of Now with new spiritual companions.