Event details
- Friday | June 24, 2022 to Thursday | June 30, 2022
- All Day
- Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center 1300 US Highway #1, North Palm Beach, FL 33408
- 407-869-0781
Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center
1300 US Highway #1, North Palm Beach, FL 33408
June 24-30, 2022
To deepen your understanding of the spiritual and psychological foundations
of Centering Prayer, the following two retreats will be offered:
7-Day Intensive Centering Prayer Retreat – Provides an opportunity to immerse participants in the practice of Centering Prayer. The daily schedule includes three hours of Centering Prayer, viewing parts of the “Spiritual Journey” Videotape Series by Fr. Thomas Keating and celebration of the Eucharist. Silence is an integral part of this retreat.
Prerequisite: A practice of Centering Prayer for three to six months.
7-Day Post Intensive Centering Prayer Retreat – Provides an opportunity for the participants to totally focus on prayer, silence and solitude. The daily schedule includes additional Centering Prayer sessions (in place of videotape viewing), group and private Lectio Divina, silence and solitude in community and celebration of the Eucharist.
Prerequisite: Previous attendance at a 7-day, 8-day or 10-day Intensive Retreat.
Fr. Bill Sheehan, OMI, a priest of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, is an experienced retreat master and a much-loved presenter of Contemplative Outreach programs. He participated in the original Lama Retreat from which the Centering Prayer movement arose and is claimed by South Florida as being the father of our local Centering Prayer movement.
Basha Perez, former Coordinator for Contemplative Outreach Central Florida, is a Certified Presenter of the Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina Introductory Workshops, has served on the 9-Month Contemplative Living Course Team, Presenter Formation, and numerous Intensive Retreat Teams.
Ann Thomas, Co-coordinator of Contemplative Outreach of Southeast Florida, facilitator of Centering Prayer group in Broward County, and awaiting formation as a Presenter.
Details: Registration is 4-6 pm Friday, June 24. The retreat concludes at 12 pm, Thursday, June 30. Rooms are single-private double-beds with a shared bathroom between two rooms.
Total cost: $750. Please send in Registration Form on page 2 with a $150 non-refundable deposit to reserve your room. Second payment of $300 is due April 1; Final payment of $300 is due May 1. Rooms have to be guaranteed by June 3. No refunds after June 3. Minimum of 30 retreatants required to have the retreat or the retreat center will cancel our reservations. Register early.
Please fill out registration form attached.
Registration FORM 2022_June-7-Day_Intensive_Retreat
For more information call: Basha Perez at 407-869-0781 or e-mail Alice Logan at [email protected]
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