Fr. Martin Laird Retreat Audio, November 2-4, 2018

Fr. Laird Part 1 was on Friday evening.


COCFL Annual Centering Prayer Retreat
November 2-4, 2018
Canterbury Retreat Center, Orlando, FLA
An Ocean of Light
with Fr. Martin Laird

Martin Laird, O.S.A. is a member of the Order of St Augustine and Professor of Early Christian Studies at Villanova University, USA. He has extensive training in Contemplative Disciplines and gives retreats and lectures throughout the United States, Great Britain and Ireland. Among his books are Into the Silent Land and A Sunlit Absence, compelling works for those interested in contemplative prayer. He draws on the ancient wisdom of both the Christian East and West as well as on contemporary literature. His most recent book, An Ocean of Light, is forthcoming from Oxford University Press.

The cluttered, reactive mind generates and sustains the illusion that we are separate from God and therefore need to seek God as though God were an object. Over time, the practice of contemplation gradually begins to clear clutter.
In this contemplative prayer retreat, Fr. Martin Laird will discuss some of the key obstacles we all face in our liberation from the cluttered mind such as anger, fear, comparing ourselves with others, as well as some of the subtler problems maintained by mental clutter mind, such as using contemplative practice as a strategy to acquire and control our own contemplative project.



Fr. Laird, Part 2 Saturday Morning


Fr. Laird Part 3 Saturday Afternoon