Event details
- Friday | November 12, 2021 to Sunday | November 14, 2021
- 4:00 pm
- Canterbury Conference Center 1601 Alafaya Trail, Oviedo, FL 32765
- Alice Logan, [email protected]
COCFL Fall Retreat
Finding Our Way Out
What we have learned through the COVID crisis experience
and how do we move forward?
Presented by
Father Bill Sheehan, OMI
November 12-14, 2021
(Friday evening – Sunday morning)
Canterbury Conference Center
1601 Alafaya Trail, Oviedo, FL 32765
Attend in person or remotely by Zoom.
See registration details below
The past 2 years have been a challenging and stressful time for the world, with many of us experiencing the loss of loved ones, isolation from family, friends and church leading some to depression. Our lives have been shaken up in a big way.
Father Bill is inviting us to come and rest for while in the beautiful and peaceful settings of the newly remodeled Canterbury conference center (https://canterburyretreat.org/) and reflect on how to find our way out and be renewed and transformed by this experience.
This 3-day retreat will provide conferences and Centering Prayer periods and time for silence as well as community sharing.
Fr. Bill Sheehan, OMI, is an experienced retreat director who has led many Centering Prayer workshops and retreats. Since 1983, he has been involved with Contemplative Outreach, founded by Fr. Thomas Keating, OCSO practicing and guiding others in the practice of Centering Prayer. He participated in the original Lama retreat from which the Centering Prayer movement arose.
He has a Masters Degree in Formative Spirituality from Duquesne University. He is a member of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate order and lives in an Oblate House of Prayer in Lowell, Massachusetts.
A flyer is attached. On-line registration information is posted below. To register, fill out the form below and mail your check to Alice Logan or use the on-line payment through PayPal. It accept all major credit cards.
Participant safety is our primary concern. We will follow CDC guidelines and align with Contemplative Outreach national convention safety recommendations: “While we encourage vaccination for everyone safety, especially that of the older attendees, we recommend, not mandate, that you to wear a mask indoors, except when eating or drinking. For those choosing not to travel or get vaccinated, we encourage you to participate by way of Zoom”.
ZOOM PARTICIPATION INFORMATION: Participants will login on Zoom before each session. We will have a camera with a zoom lens on the Fr. Bill and will follow him wherever he moves. Audio will be clear from his lavalier microphone. During Q&A, Zoom participants can type their questions in the “chat” field in Zoom and we will pass them on to Fr. Bill. We will stream the periods of CP also. As soon as the schedule is available we will send that to the Zoom participants along with a Zoom link. If folks miss part of it, they can view it later on a private link on the COCFL website. Videos will be uploaded as soon as possible after each session. It should be almost like being there from the comfort of your home.
Questions? Contact Dan Wagner, [email protected].
Download/Print FLYER: Fall Retreat Fr Bill Nov 2021 (ver. 9-9-21)
Fill out the electronic form below and pay through PayPal with most credit cards or mail a check to Alice Logan. Online registration is now open.
Fr. Bill recalls the beginning of Contemplative Outreach in this 25 year recollection: